VI Annual Letter 2024 [Timestamp Notes]
These Timestamp Notes are free. Anyone that shares them publicly will be included in the next freebie. Email proof to . Not sure who tf "Andrew" or "Bryan" is....but it's Rusty, alive & well!
The blog is HERE. The video is HERE.
10:10 | Intro
10:30 | History of VI's Annual Letter
12:00 | The Fire
14:40 | Significant History Lost in the Fire (J. Andrus, Houdini)
17:30 | Adjusting after the Fire
19:07 | "Did you discover the cause of the fire?"
19:48 | "What unreleased things were burned in the fire?"
20:45 | Bestsellers of Black Friday
21:23 | Josh's thoughts on the Particle System
23:30 | Other Books that sold extremely well (All In, The Nth Degree)
24:07 | Magicana Publishing Rights
25:20 | Timeline on the Warehouse Rebuild
26:50 | the release of eBooks
27:30 | "Discovery" eBook search
28:11 | The 2024 Events (Magifest, The Session & Retreats)
32:10 | "Any advice for getting the most out of Magifest?"
33:24 | "How excited are you guys for The Session?"
34:48 | Disney Magic Shops
36:35 | First Guest, Taylor Hughes on upcoming Masterclass
40:22 | Origins of T. Hughes special
42:30 | Second Guest, Joshua Jay (Milwaukee Bucks show & afterwards)
44:10 | Look Closer, New York & Chicago (JJ)
44:33 | Andi Gladwin, Shuffled
46:10 | Marlo's Magazines
48:00 | the companion project & Masters of Illusion (AG)
49:30 | ShareMagic / nonprofits
53:45 | Next Guest, Carisa Hendrix
55:25 | Himber Rings Project
1:00:37 | LIVE Clip of Himber Ring routine
1:05:02 | Eric Mead, the Tim Conover book
1:09:40 | "What will surprise readers the most in the book?"
1:14:44 | Clip from Carisa's Linking Rings
1:15:22 | "What project are you guys looking forward to the most?"
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