Special Thanks to Chris N.

You ever wonder why the magic community’s so allergic to supporting good people? It’s like pulling teeth to see anyone lift each other up. Heck, even the crew behind the DDC are just a bunch of two-faced selfish, stuck-up buttholes.

We're not out here running a non-profit to use magic as a tool for empowering people in struggling communities. Nah, we don’t sponsor kids in Africa to give them a shot at life they’d never get otherwise. And we sure don’t burn through our own cash to make sure other folks succeed.

Nope, not us.

We’re all about that selfish life. Gifts? Generosity? Never heard of her.

So when someone does show real selflessness, it hits different. It reminds us there’s still some good people out there. That’s why today, we’re giving a big shoutout to one of the best men we know: Chris N. He sent us a free book as a gift—no strings attached. It’s a book none of us have read before, so we’re excited to dive into something fresh.

Chris ain’t just some random dude, either.

He’s the magic community’s plug.

You need something? He’s the guy over in the Magicians Anonymous Facebook group. Crackheads hit the plug when they're feening for a gram. And smart magicians hit Chris before they purchase anything magic-related. Doesn’t matter what you’re after—dude’s probably got you covered.

And your wallet will thank you.

Basically, you can hit him up while you’re dropping a deuce on the porcelain throne. Dude takes your magic desire, works his money-saving wizardry, and somehow has it shipped before you’re even done wiping your ass. It’s black magic meets Hogwarts-level logistics.

Chris, from all of us here at the DDC who secretly hope we’re doing something right in this wild world and aspire to reach your level of selflessness and strength—thank you. Your gift meant a lot.