Blackpool Highlights: Magic For...on YouTube
This Friday, Premium Access Members get an exclusive post via email featuring a routine that has a taste of ACAAN, a touch of the Diary Trick, and a sprinkle of creativity needed from you—making $3/month for access to our Premium Content feel like daylight robbery (for us). If you're in, you're in. If not...subscribe.
Off to Blackpool, full of glee,
Craig Petty's wonders wait for me.
Tricks and props in every stall,
"Just one more, Alakazam—I want it all!"
Coins and cards, Atomic Deck,
My bank account's a total wreck.
Blew my budget, spent too fast,
But I bought FLIX so kiss my ass.
Back at home, the panic's real,
Wife saw the prices–time to cut a deal.
Facebook groups—my final hope,
Selling cheap so I can cope!
Alright, maybe that's a bit harsh. Not everyone blew their budget.
Some of us were disciplined, left Blackpool without overspending, and got properly rewarded for it when we got home. The luckiest ones have wives (and husbands) that showed their appreciation with a little extra bedtime magic. The really grateful ones even broke out the restraints… as a thank-you for all the restraint shown to our credit card statements in the dealer room.
Moral of the story? Spend less on tricks, get more tricks in bed.

Not sure if everyone who missed Blackpool should be more hyped about the bargains they're about to score after everyone goes home and realizes they've overspent, or when they realize that some of the FOMO product releases were only hype.
The regular DDC readers know I'm kinda breaking my own rule with this post. Usually, I only email stuff that actually teaches something magic-related. And that's okay. If you’re itching to learn a trick, relax. I’ll make up for it on Friday with ACAAP. It'll make sense in a few days.
For now? Focus on fixing the mess you made with your wife (or husband). They're pissed about the money you blew at Blackpool. Time to do some damage control and put work in, buddy.

While everyone's playing catch-up, I’m plugging one of my favorite YouTube channels that recently documented some Blackpool highlights: Magic for Beginners. I’m not embedding the videos because you should go check out the channel and make your own call (and subscribe if you dig it?). Personally, I think it’s worth your time.
But, gotta be honest—the channel's name kinda rubs me the wrong way. It sounds like it’s just for beginners, and it’s not. But I get it. I probably wouldn’t change the name either. Newbies in magic don’t know how many bottles of lube it takes to slip a bit of support from fellow magicians—they’re more likely to hit that subscribe button.

Also, don’t get it twisted—this isn't a friend plug. I mean, I do have a friend that's the plug, but that's a different type of plug and it doesn't have anything to do with electricity. [Shhh!!! I'm not talking about Rusty.]
And to be fair, everything I’d criticize about it is actually why I like it. It doesn’t have anything close to the production quality of Lloyd Barnes’ channel. As far as I can tell, it doesn’t get any (or many?) exclusive early releases like some of the larger review channels. It feels more authentic and pure – a better way to share magic.
Basically, it’s one of those things that makes my willy wet.

No, I don't go there to get my mind blown. I go there to shower the pain of industry sponsored bullshit away.
There's a level of innocence that I enjoy about Magic for Beginners. I mean, the guy straight-up propped up a couple of cameras with Daniel Madison, shoved a mic under a sausage, and posted a hangout session with a dude known for everything except beginner-level tricks. How much more unscripted can you be? I can’t really explain it, but there’s something pure about the way he just rolls through Blackpool with, what I assume is his magic partner-in-crime, enjoying magic as it's meant to be experienced.
Nothing in it for him.
No hidden agendas.
And no hype.
If I’m wrong, then the channel has fooled the hell outta me—and honestly, the guy deserves every damn subscriber he gets. Do other good channels exist? Of course. Do better ones exist? Maybe. But he gets the plug for today.
Shoot us your favorite magic-related YouTube channel at We’ll compile them, and if we get enough, we’ll drop a compendium of all your favorites. If not, fuck it—we’ll see if the one you send is worth its own shoutout.