DEMO [Timestamp Notes & Thoughts, Alex Hansford]

DEMO [Timestamp Notes & Thoughts, Alex Hansford]

I’m not sure I’ve ever gone on a proper “Card to Pocket” bender. I love the effect, but combing through endless methods to pull off the same CTP effect never hooked me. Now, swap the “P” for a “W” and make it “Card to Wallet”? Put me in, coach—I’m ready to play.

There aren’t enough dime bags in the world to cure my addiction to magic wallets. One wallet can fuel an entire magic career, but no amount is ever enough to satisfy my wallet addiction. There’s always a new high to reach—pun fully intended. But I digress.

Alex Hansford’s DEMO dropped in 2017 and largely flew under the radar. I get it. When you’re one of the few magicians who can make sleight of hand with a normal deck look like CGI, most people can't justly praise your work.

“Hey, everyone! Watch me absolutely butcher what Alex pulls off flawlessly!”
Yeah… hard pass.

Alex’s Tenkai Palm work is on another level. I’d even venture to say it feels more magical than Card to Wallet. For my fellow wallet junkies, you could, in theory, overdose by combining Alex’s techniques with your favorite wallets. But that’s overkill and, frankly, feels disrespectful to the purity of what Alex accomplished with DEMO.

And for what it's worth, his take on the Mystery Card plot is as streamlined as it gets—right up to the edge where it's the cleanest non-gaffed approach to Mystery Card, but if you changed anything else, it could become something else entirely.

[Timestamp Notes]

02:00 | To the Back Pocket

04:23| Getting into Tenkai Palm

06:41 | Loading to the Front Pocket

10:03 | To the Back Pocket Alternative

16:00 | Marlo's Convincing Control

20:46| Two Cards to Two Pockets

25:38 | TRICKS

25:43 | Mystery Card (w/Hofzinser Spread Force)

29:14 |Controlling the Force Card

31:03 | BONUS, Travellers

33:00 | Travellers Explanation