Brilliant Basics PART 2 aka "brilliant basics_2_2" [Timestamp Notes, Ben Earl's DMS, Winter 2020]
Yesterday's Article: If you read yesterday's article HERE, go check the article out again. We've added a link at the beginning of the post to a FREE hour long jam session about some of the best false shuffles and cuts in the world from a legendary magician that we all respect.
02:48 | Tipover Change/Switch
03:21 | Stanley Collins Switch
06:15 | Tipover Switch w/Deliberate card
08:15 | Tipover Switch as Control to the Top
10:20 | Fred Kaps Switch (2 variations)
13:10 | Kaps Switch (original version)
16:43 | Bert Allerton Switch
17:00 | variation of Allerton Switch
20:26 | Allerton Switch w/Deliberate card
23:30 | Single Card Switches
24:15 | Vernon Card Switch (for table)
26:40 | Vernon Switch/Muck (of sorts)
32:00 | Packet Switches
32:30 | Four for Four
36:30 | Merlin Packet Switch (for table)
39:05 | switch from Marlo's Magazine
42:40 | Talazac Switch ("Magic without Apparatus")
52:00 | Q&A Session
52:20 | "Would you consider these switches a top change?"
53:20 | clarification on Four for Four Switch
54:20 | "Do you have any drills to practice switches?"
56:33 | "Do you ever use the Tint Change with a delay?"
58:55 | "Do you have any general tips to make switches more deceptive in the real world?"
1:02:30 | "How would you switch a single card on the table?"
1:05:45 | Quick Thoughts on Lapping
1:06:40 |"Why not do a glide?" - thoughts on the glide
1:09:20 | "Tips on switching folded cards?"
1:11:11 | "Thoughts on Paul Curry Turnover Switch?"
1:13:45 | "Thoughts on switching one half of the deck?"
1:14:55 | Demo of previous release
1:16:40 | "Any thoughts on pseudo-gambling switches?"
1:18:45 | "Any thoughts about Marlo's Retention Visual Switch?"