Another Custom Stack for Lexicon {London}

You'll want this custom stack if you ever perform in London.

EDIT: Not too many Londoners in the premium Dirty Deck Club, so keeping this exclusively in the premium group doesn't make sense. I can't blame them. London is pricey and $3 breaks the bank! 

Below you'll find a snapshot of a custom stack I cooked up specifically to use with the Lexicon system in London. Not gonna lie—some of the items don’t have me swooning, but they had to stay for the stack’s cyclical flow.

Practicality > Perfection, right?

The system itself is simple: The last letter of each word matches the first letter of the next word, and no letters repeat, making it stupidly easy to memorize the stack. Here's the stack for London -

If you’re serious about nailing the perfect stack, you’re better off using THIS custom stack or the one hidden at the bottom of this post. If the first stack doesn’t grab your attention, chances are you’re not performing for high-end venues or posh, globe-trotting clients. Nothing wrong with Walmart gigs.

No shade intended—Walmart’s out here thriving off folks rocking swim trunks, pajama sweaters, and shower caps. Don't take my word for it. There's a whole site dedicated to these creatures: The People of Walmart.

But hey, if the crème de la crème isn’t your vibe, feel free to dumb it down with the alternative I’ve laid out for you.

Boom. Done.

You can grab Lexicon here:

Pro tip: If you’re running low on funds, don’t sweat it. Memorize the stack above using the tips provided, glimpse your key card, and go wreck some minds. Will you hit the genius level of Adam’s routines with Lexicon? Nah. But you’ll still be a force to be reckoned with if you're creative with your revelations.

Oh, and don't forget to be offended.

You've seen the protestors -

Life's too short not to be offended.
